Vegetarian Tradition

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Ranong attractions

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Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Vegetarian Tradition The Chinese believe that during the period between the 1st of the 9th month and the 9th day of the 9th month, the Bodhisattva, who was incarnated as the nine planets, came to visit and take care of the human world.
The villagers then made merit for the Bodhisattva by eating meatless food and all kinds of animal products. Some legends say It is a practice to commemorate the 9 sons of the Bodhisattva. who died on the battlefield Some legends say It is an homage to the first nine Chinese kings.
Rituals. On the day when the Chinese believed that the Bodhisattva came to visit and care for the human world. The people would dress in white clothes. Eat a meat-free diet of all types. and 5 other forbidden vegetables, namely garlic, onion, chives, garlic, tobacco leaves.
must strictly practice morality There is a ceremony to worship the president of the Vegetarian Festival. and worship the gods according to their beliefs There are imprints of gods to show miracles, such as walking through fire, climbing ladders, blowing fire, using knives to stab various parts of the body such as cheeks, arms, legs, torso, tongue, etc.
Vegetarian food traditions contribute to the development of the minds of the local people as follows: 1. Strictly conduct oneself in accordance with morals 2. Do not harm animals 3. Have faith in gods 4. Concentrate on contemplating the body. 
Last Update Last Update: 10 MonthAgo



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