Old Yaring Palace

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Pattani attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Old Yaring Palace Located at Mu 2, Tambon Yamu, 13 km from the city of Pramar, the old Yaring Palace was built around 1895 at the end of the reign of King Rama V. The builder was Phraya Phiphit Sena Matayathibodi Si Surasongkram.
Old Yaring Palace a two-storey building half-timbered building There is a curved staircase leading up to the balcony on both sides. From the balcony a door opened into the great hall. looks similar to the throne room. 
 Old Yaring Palace Map
Royal Palace Group: Royal Palace
Last Update Last Update: 4 YearAgo



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