
Attractions in Thailand
City of the Sea of Mountains, Coldest Place in Siam, and Beautiful Flowers of Three Seasons.
Sharing a Mekong River border with Laos, Loei province is in many ways more similar to the north of Thailand than to the rest of Isan, even earning the nickname “the Mae Hong Son of the northeast.” Loei is an up-and-coming ecotourism region surrounded by undulating mountain ranges, abundant with various kinds of flora and capped with fog enshrouded summits.
The most majestic mountains are Phu Kradueng, Phu Luang and Phu Ruea. However, while Loei features numerous outdoor activities and fascinating cultural attractions, tourism is relatively new to the province and the area is greatly unspoiled.
The temperature in Loei is generally cool thanks to the mountains and rivers it contains, but can get surprisingly cold in the winter and unbearably hot in the summer. Loei has unique cultures and traditions in addition to beautiful geographical surroundings, such as the colorful Phi Ta Khon Festival. There are many spectacular sights and exiting activities awaiting travelers to come and experience the miracle of this land.
Agriculture drives Loei’s economy, with villages primarily engaged in crops ranging from macadamia nuts, passion fruit, and Arabica coffee in the highlands to bananas, sesame, and rubber in the plains; however, thanks to its spectacular natural attractions, including several national parks and the Mekong River, Loei is an up and coming ecotourism destination. As a result of its natural beauty and unique mixture of northern and northeastern cultures, Loei is creating much the same buzz Mae Hong Song once did and tourists are taking note.
Key Tips
- Loei is a province of extreme temperatures, check weather conditions and pack accordingly.

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