Cham Ta Hern Reservoir

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Lamphun attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Cham Ta Hern Reservoir The water intake areas are located in Village No. 1, Ban Sop Sao, Village No. 6, Ban Rong Ruea, and Village No. 9 Ban Lai Sai. Utilization of water resources from various rivers Most of these farmers will take advantage of the Mae Tha River. Because this Mae Tha Sai River flows through almost every village of Tambon Thap Sao. Except for Ban Cham Ta Hen, only one village, Mae Tut River, Mae Saphua River Huai Sai Khao River, respectively.
Taking advantage of the various rivers These cannot be used all year round. These rivers can be exploited from May-November, where water will flow into the mines, supplying water and another. will be available using a pump is the water entering the cultivated area. For the Mae Sao Reservoir.
There is approximately 3 million cubic meters of water storage space and farmers can get some water in the reservoir as well. It depends on the water stored in the basin. That is, if there is a lot of rain in the reservoir in any year, farmers can use water all year round. But if the year when it rains less, the amount of water in the reservoir is small. Farmers cannot use water all year round. But if there is less rain in any year, the amount of water in the reservoir is small. Farmers can't use the water to fill the farmland and only farmers in Village No. 1,9,6 will be able to take advantage of the water in this reservoir. 
 Cham Ta Hern Reservoir Map
Nature and Wildlife Category: Nature and Wildlife
Last Update Last Update: 4 YearAgo



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