Bueng Nong Sarai Archaeological Site

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Suphan Buri attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 08.00 - 17.00
Bueng Nong Sarai Archaeological Site Nong Sarai, Don Che Di, Suphan Buri. Bueng Nong Sarai Archaeological Site is far from the city around 40 km.
After seeing Donjaedee, go to the highway number 3038 about 3 km. Then, you will see the site. This site has a large natural lake and is important place in Thai history since this is the place which the elephant battle between King Naresuan and King of Myanmar occurred.
King Naresuan stopped the troop here because there is enough water for hundred thousand soldiers, elephants and horses. Moreover, the location is high and far away from the enemy.
However, nowadays, there is not much water left (only 29 rai). It also does not look quite cool and pleasant here. Because of this, there are not many tourists.
Bung Nong Sarai is a perfect place for people who are interested in Thai history especially the period of the elephant battle between King Naresuan and King of Myanmar.
People can feel the atmosphere of the place where the elephant battle occurred. Moreover, it is a good place for students who study about this in the book. They can come to see the real place.
Tel Tel: 035545466-7
 Bueng Nong Sarai Archaeological Site Map
Last Update Last Update: 8 YearAgo



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