Sra Yoh Palace

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Saraburi attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 08.00 - 17.00
Sra Yoh Palace Khun Khlon, Phra Phuttha Bat, Saraburi. It is 800 meters away from Pikul Palace in the south of Phra Phutthabat - Tha Rue road. Sra Yoh Palace is at the east of the road.
The palace was built according to King Prasart Thong’s order to build the resting place near Thong Daeng river, which was on the way to pay homage to the Buddha’s footprint. However, only the base of the palace remains nowadays. It is the base made from brick and cement in the middle of the field. 
The materials of the base are rocks and cement which were the same materials used in building palaces around the Phra Phutthabat district in late Ayutthaya.
This palace is called, according to nobleman, “Tamnak Phra Narai Pen Thai Sra Yoh” (Tamnak means palace). It is believed that King Narai wished to build the palace imitating Chan Kasem palace to provide convenience during traveling by royal vehicles.
Inside the palace, there are many interesting features such as Sra Yoh (Sra means pond) in the northeast of the palace. In the past, the pond was full of water which was suitable to relax, to enjoy the beauty of the dusk and the dawn, to observe the reflection of the sunlight on the water surface and to be impressed and relieved.
However, at present, the water is shallower and there is less water during the draught. After visiting Sra Yoh, there is Jao Poh Tok shrine located 500 meters away from the pond in the south. Tourists can pay respect to him at the shrine.
 Sra Yoh Palace Map
Royal Palace Group: Royal Palace
Last Update Last Update: 8 YearAgo



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