Lord Buddha is Footprint Replica

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Nakhon Nayok attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Operating day: daily
Operating time: 08.00 - 16.00
Lord Buddha is Footprint Replica Sa Rika, Muang Nakhon Nayok, Nakhon Nayok. 9 km far from Nakhon Nayok city and is housed in a square structure with four arches and a pyramidal roof (mondop) on top of Nang Buat hill.
The stair uphill to the mondop, built in 1858, third-quarter moon of Month 12, year of the Rooster, consists of 227 steps. The festivity to worship the Lord Buddha’s Footprint Replica at Khao Nang Buat is held annually in the middle of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. Also, Tak Bat The Wo tradition of Nakhon Nayok province is annually celebrated here.
According to the legend of the temple is name and Lord Buddha’s Footprint, Phra Nang Orapim Thevi, wife of Thao Pa Chit, a Bodhisattava, had to face hardship.
Therefore, Indra gave her a ring which would turn her into a man when she put it on the finger and let her ordain as Buddhist monk at this temple. Thao Pa Chit spent a long time finding her and, finally, they found each other and got married.
This legend proved that the eternal love of this couple really existed. When he was reborn as Lord Buddha, he came to the top of this hill. With jnana, he could recall the past lives including his love with Orapin Thevi.
He therefore left his footprint as the monument of eternal love and for people to pay respect. However, this romantic love eventually turned into the great kindness and eternal love for all teachable persons.
For this reason, Achan Supharat Saengchan, together with the disciples of Luang Pu Tuad and Luang Pu Du, came here to make merit by offering a royal umbrella to celebrate the 100 - year anniversary of Lord Buddha’s Footprint.
Travel: Driving from Nakhon Nayok city along Sarika road until Pracha Kasem crossroad and then turn to Soi road and stay on about 10 km. Or driving from Nakhon Nayok city along Sarika road and then take Chaloem Prakiat road (Tha Khoi) and stay on about 8 km.
Tel Tel: 037328289
Mobile Mobile: 0817729535
 Lord Buddha is Footprint Replica Map
Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship
Last Update Last Update: 8 YearAgo



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