Rai Khun Mon

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Kanchanaburi attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 08.00 - 17.00
Rai Khun Mon which is only 1 km away from the Safari Park. When you see the direction sign leading to Rai Khun Mon, drive along a laterite road for another 2 km., then, you will get to the production factory of fried bananas in vacuum packages which are one famous snack served on Thai Airways’ aircrafts.
Furthermore, it is one of the OTOP products of Kanchanaburi, too. Tourists can see the overall production process and buy some products as snacks during the trip or as souvenirs. Besides, other products include corn milk, and herbal Krayasat which is a dessert for people who are concerned about health.
Mobile Mobile: 0815853227, 0819447971
Fax Fax: 034531487
 Rai Khun Mon Map
Last Update Last Update: 3 DayAgo



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