Kanchanaburi attractions
Attractions in Thailand
Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary. The Areas in the Sankla buri district, Kanchanaburi and Tak province terrain is mountainous and its highest peak is Khaoyai, it's in the middle of the area. The water of streams There are many types of forests with many wild animals live a lot.
Travel trip to Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary. Not convenient Due to some bad road conditions. Route from Thong Pha Poom - Sanklaburi distant about 42 km.
And go to the junction municipal offices. about 40 kilometers. Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary is a space for people interested in nature. Who will be there must advance written request to the Director of the Wildlife Conservation Forest Department, Bangkok Tel. : 02 - 561-4292-3 per 706-7 before 15 days.

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