Wang Sangkawat Fish Sanctuary

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Kanchanaburi attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 08.00 - 18.00
It is situated in the area of Wat Wai Niao, Tambon Wai Niao. From Bangkok, drive on Highway 323, Km. 92-93, the same route to Boran Sathan Phong Tuek.
After coming off the Chantharubeksa Bridge, turn right and go along the route on the Mae Klong riverside for about 3 km. to get to the fish sanctuary. People often come to the park to feed fish.
We can find carp of the genus Puntius Fish (Taphian Fish) in the daytime. After 7.00 p.m., Sangkawat Fish, a species in the Pangasius family rare to see, will come out. The folk museum in Wat Wai Niao opens at 8.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m.
How to get there From Bangkok, drive on Highway 323, Km. 92-93, the same route to Boran Sathan Phong Tuek. After coming off the Chantharubeksa Bridge, turn right and go along the route on the Mae Klong riverside for about 3 km. to get to the fish sanctuary.
 Wang Sangkawat Fish Sanctuary Map
Last Update Last Update: 3 DayAgo



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