Memorial of Time Park

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Kanchanaburi attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Opening hours: every day.
Hours: 6:00 to 18:00 am
Memorial of Time  Park is a park located in Srinakarin Dam. With an area of ​​over 30 acres, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. Was made ​​in honor and remembrance of divine grace. On the occasion of HRH the Princess Mother had reached the age of 90 years growth.
On October 21, 2533 at Memorial Park was built as a symbol sculpture garden sundial to tell time. As a reminder to remember the value of life to violate every minute that passes.
As the heart of the Princess Mother had a distinct awareness that "Time is precious". Which should be used to full advantage. Do not let it slip away in vain. We will have a seating area and beautiful views of the Srinakarin Dam.
 Memorial of Time Park Map
Last Update Last Update: 3 DayAgo



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