Kanchanaburi attractions
Attractions in Thailand
Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 09.00 - 17.00
The Safari Park is located approximately 40 kilometers from town along the Kanchanaburi-Bo Phloi route. It is home to numerous African and Asian mammals, including giraffes, zebras, lions, tigers and bears that dwell in beautifully landscaped environs.
Visitors can drive their private car to explore the park or use the bus service provided by the park. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission fee is 300 baht for adults and 150 baht for children. Call 0 3453 1888, 0 3453 1999, 0 3450 0089 or fax. 0 3450 0088 for further information.
How to get there It is 40 km. from the town on Highway 3086 (Kanchanaburi-Bo Phloi). When getting to Km. 21, the direction sign to the safari park will be on the left.

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