Klee Tee Waterfall

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Kanchanaburi attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday

Klee Tee waterfall in Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, a community clean-Karen tones means tiger. I have water on top of dee ka mountain. Near the Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary.

Klee Tee waterfall cascading into the limestone. Water is clear and cold. The waterfall, which is pretty unique. To a high of about 20 meters, some as large a width of about 50 meters long and about 800 meters to the waterfall with water all year round.

Ttrip to Klee Tee waterFalls takes about two days' walk from the house, Karen Klee Tee village. And to the porter and guide.

 By boat from the Tha Ka Dan port  about 2 and a half hours. If you want to travel by car you must drive to four wheel drive vehicles only.

 Klee Tee Waterfall Map
Nature and Wildlife Category: Nature and Wildlife
Waterfalls Group: Waterfalls
Last Update Last Update: 4 DayAgo



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