Death Railway

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Attractions in Thailand

The Burma Railway, also known as the Death Railway, the Burma-Siam Railway, the Thailand–Burma Railway and similar names, was a 415 kilometres (258 mi) railway between Bangkok, Thailand, and Rangoon, Burma (now Yangon, Myanmar), built by the Empire of Japan in 1943, to support its forces in the Burma campaign of World War II.
The line was closed in 1947, but the section between Nong Pla Duk and Nam Tok was reopened ten years later in 1957.
Forced labour was used in its construction. About 180,000 Asian civilian labourers (mainly romusha) and 60,000 Allied prisoners of war (POWs) worked on the railway. Of these, around 90,000 Asian civilian labourers and 12,399 Allied POWs died as a direct result of the project.
The dead POWs included 6,318 British personnel, 2,815 Australians, 2,490 Dutch, about 356 Americans, and about 20 POWs from other British Commonwealth countries (the Indian Empire, New Zealand and Canada).
Death Railway Built during World War 2 by the Japanese government borrows money from the Government of Thailand 4 million Baht construction takes to create just one year, from October 2485 to October 2486, to take up. strategic route through Burma.
For the route through Burma. To transport ordnance Including troops In order to attack Burma and India. Which at the colonies of England. Route One has to cross the river bridge must be built up.
After the war, the railroad was partially dismantled. This line is a war memorial to remember the events of those times.
Building bridges and railway line is filled with difficulties. The atrocities of war and disease, as well as food shortages. Making prisoners of thousands of people have died. This railroad was completed on 25 October 2486 and launched on 25 December the same year.
After the war, the Government of Thailand has already paid 50 million baht to buy this line of British and maintenance of some of those routes. To open the bus from Nong Pla Duk or coaches.
It is in charge of the train today. Railway is the world's memorial inscription cruelty of World War 2 and a memorial to those killed in war. Travel away from town , about 55 kilometers along Highway 323 kilometers 29-30.
 Death Railway Map
Last Update Last Update: 2 DayAgo



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