Main > South > Songkhla > Muang Songkhla > Khao Rup Chang > Great Grandfather Pagoda


Great Grandfather Pagoda

Great Grandfather Pagoda

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Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Great Grandfather Pagoda Moo 2 - Moo 4, Khao Rup Chang Subdistrict, from the legend that in the past Lord Lakkao had traveled from the south, bringing two elephants named Por Plaikaew, Mae Phang Nga, and a mahout named Bang Dawlah, Yai Malah and Bangsum.
Bring the wealth to build a pagoda in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. When traveling for a while, there was a strong wind storm. The elephant and the mahout fell to their deaths. Lak Kao was buried on the top of the mountain. Later, the elephant emerged as a stone. The villagers in that area named it Elephant Mountain House and there are various miracles A lot of things happened, for example, people who cut down trees on the elephant hill and died.
During World War II, soldiers came to camp in front of the Elephant Mountain. to hit the albino snake to eat (Snake, great-grandfather's pupil) was born dumb. need to be fixed, so it disappears The capitalist went to destroy the elephant rock. The car overturned almost impossible to survive. Thep Nimit in the Battle of Chong Chang, etc., which has continued to make merit with the great-grandfather of elephants. 

Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship

Other religious and spiritural sites Group: Other religious and spiritural sites

Last Update : 3 YearAgo


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