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Thai-Malaysian Border

Thai-Malaysian Border

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Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 06.00 - 19.00
Thai-Malaysian Border It is only 2 km away from the park office. The boundary area has the National Park Protection Unit located, with seating near the foothills. shady nature If you continue traveling for about 23 km, you will arrive at Padang Besar.
A gathering place for cheap foreign products Or if you want to go to Ganga, the capital of Perlis state. You can go only by traveling for about 30 km. This checkpoint is open from 06.00-19.00 and there will be a market every Sunday in the morning. Most of them are general consumer goods. 

Art, Culture and Heritage Category: Art, Culture and Heritage

Landmarks and Memorials Group: Landmarks and Memorials

Last Update : 3 YearAgo

Thai-Malaysian Border Map


Art, Culture and Heritage Art, Culture and Heritage

Historical Sites and Monuments Historical Sites and Monuments(1)

Landmarks and Memorials Landmarks and Memorials(1)

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Art, Craft Centres, Tradition(4)

Museums Museums(3)

Places of Worship Places of Worship

Temple Temple(3)

Mosque Mosque(27)

Suburban Living Suburban Living

Village, Community Village, Community(1)

Local Market Local Market(2)

Nature and Wildlife Nature and Wildlife

National Parks and Marine Reserves National Parks and Marine Reserves(8)

Mountain (Doi) Mountain (Doi)(1)

Dam, Reservoir, Lake Dam, Reservoir, Lake(2)

Waterfalls Waterfalls(10)

Hot Springs Hot Springs(1)

Caves Caves(9)

Bays and Beaches Bays and Beaches(10)

Islands Islands(16)

Other natural attractions Other natural attractions(5)

Entertainment and Agricultural Entertainment and Agricultural

Zoos and Aquariums Zoos and Aquariums(1)

Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism(4)

Outdoor and Adventure Activities Outdoor and Adventure Activities(1)