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Phang Nga Province City Pillar Shrine

Phang Nga Province City Pillar Shrine

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Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Phang Nga Province City Pillar Shrine Phang Nga City Pillar Shrine Still can't find a definite conclusion as to what time it was built. There are only legends that go on and on.
The legend is told by Mr. Uncle Prasit Tansiri
 In the old days, there would be a City Pillar making, it was announced that there would be soldiers to call out to no one to answer. If anyone responds, it will be taken to act as a city pillar. Coincidentally, one night, Mrs. Saithong, who was 3 months pregnant, was at home alone. and a voice called She understood that it was her husband. that went outside therefore immediately responded The soldiers then brought her to the governor to perform the ceremony, in which she was put into a grave alive. Hit the iron and close the hole to make a city pillar.
On one occasion, Mr. Anan Sanguannam, Governor of Phang Nga Province went to pay homage to the goddess of the City Pillar Shrine and saw the narrow entrance road It is inconvenient to come and go by car of those who are going to worship Therefore invited the King to move the court to build a new one at Somdet Phra Srinagarindra Park.
There were roads all around, but he said that he couldn't go and would stay in the same place. Until now, which on January 5th of every year, the village of Lak Muang will hold an event to pay homage to the City Pillar Shrine to dedicate merit and to pray for protection all along At present, within the Phang Nga City Pillar Shrine, there is a burial mound of Chao Mae Sai Thong under the Phang Nga City Pillar Shrine.
Started operation on November 15, 2001, took about 3 months. It is a mixed art. Width and length of the City Pillar Shrine base 16X16 meters, set the base height from Thaksin courtyard to the top of the prang, 17.99 meters high, set the base as the Srivichai Arts Base The height from Thaksin courtyard to the floor of the building is 1.60 meters high. It is a square shape. Each porch has stairs from the base of Thaksin to the ground courtyard on all 4 sides, and the building's courtyard and stairs are covered with marble.
The building is a Chaturamuk building. It is the art of Rattanakosin. Each porch will protrude in each direction. The arched roof is covered with corrugated stucco tiles. Castle style Khmer style according to the motto "Thewarat" above the central roof of the building. Build the top of the prang which is the chairman Above the roof, the porch stands to form the top of the pagoda as a retinue or characteristic direction The prang is a Lopburi art, smoothed out as "Benjaprang". 

Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship

Other religious and spiritural sites Group: Other religious and spiritural sites

Last Update : 3 YearAgo

Phang Nga Province City Pillar Shrine Map


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