Main > South > Pattani > Muang Pattani > Ka Mi Yo > Flock of Birds


Flock of Birds

Flock of Birds

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Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Flock of Birds Period Held from time to time on occasion for fun or arranged to show respect Show loyalty to elders who should be respected. or a chance to welcome city guests or held for a contest from time to time.
Importance It is a local tradition of southern border provinces such as Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat, which has been carried out for a long time. It is a tradition that is not related to religion. It's not a public holiday tradition.
Rituals, 4 birds used in the bird parade tradition are:
1. Kamasura bird or karasura bird The natives call it "Thunplu bird" or assumption that it is "Karnwek bird" that is considered a beautiful and noble bird of paradise.
2. Kruda or Garuda This bird is believed to have mysticism. The doers often get sick and get sick. At present, it is not popular to participate in the parade.
3. Goat buffalo or golden peacock It is a very beautiful crested bird.
4. A bird of prey or a lion shaped like a lion When the bird is finished bird's head is worn will be held as a ceremony The equipment used in the ceremony includes The ceiling cloth for holding the bird's head, 1 piece, size 1 square meter, 1 pan of glutinous rice, 1 dish of Dodoi sweets, 1 dish of rice (yellow dyed), flour, perfume, frankincense, candles, gold, silver, money for teacher worship, 12 baht, and young leaves of 2 - 3 coconut leaves, offering sacrifices will be placed in front of the bird's head candle lighting ceremony Burn incense and recite the spell finished the ceremony.
Bird parade It consists of the following processions:
The first procession consisted of a parade for musical fanfare, in front of the bird parade, consisting of a Javan piper, a pair of drums, and a large gong. proportional body Dress in colorful clothes according to local traditions. Phan Bai Sri, use brass pans, use odd numbers.
The second parade is the caretaker of the birds. Dress up a warrior holding a grizzly in front of the bird. which will be chosen from the masters of the Sila, Grizz, and Spear.
The third parade is a procession of 4 birds, the number of people carrying the birds depends on the size and weight of the birds.
The fourth procession is a grizzly procession, a spear procession. The participants are dressed like ancient warriors. show unity unison And to preserve and carry on the good traditions of the local area. 

Art, Culture and Heritage Category: Art, Culture and Heritage

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Group: Art, Craft Centres, Tradition

Last Update : 4 MonthAgo

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