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Nakhon Si Thammarat

Hor Phra Narai

Hor Phra Narai

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Rating: 4/5 (4 votes)

Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 16.30
Hor Phra Narai Located on Ratchadamnoen Road Opposite Shiva Hall is another ancient site of Brahmanism. The original Hor Phra Narai building can no longer be traced to its form.
Things found inside the Vishnu Hall include an idol of Vishnu carved from gray sandstone with a hat in the shape of a cylindrical tip and a conch's right hand. Aged around the 10th-11th Buddhist centuries, it is the oldest idol in Southeast Asia.
It is now preserved in the National Museum of Nakhon Si Thammarat. The ancient artifacts currently displayed in the Phra Narai Hall are An idol of Vishnu, a replica of the real one found in an archaeological site in Sichon District. 

Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship

Other religious and spiritural sites Group: Other religious and spiritural sites

Last Update : 3 YearAgo

Hor Phra Narai Map


Art, Culture and Heritage Art, Culture and Heritage

Historical Sites and Monuments Historical Sites and Monuments(9)

Landmarks and Memorials Landmarks and Memorials(9)

Royal Palace Royal Palace(1)

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Art, Craft Centres, Tradition(12)

Museums Museums(5)

Educational Places Educational Places

Educational Gardens, Farm Educational Gardens, Farm(2)

University University

Places of Worship Places of Worship

Temple Temple(44)

Mosque Mosque(2)

Other religious and spiritural sites Other religious and spiritural sites(17)

Research and Development Research and Development

Royal Project Royal Project(2)

Suburban Living Suburban Living

Village, Community Village, Community(8)

Local Market Local Market(1)

Floating Market Floating Market(1)

Nature and Wildlife Nature and Wildlife

National Parks and Marine Reserves National Parks and Marine Reserves(6)

Mountain (Doi) Mountain (Doi)(11)

Dam, Reservoir, Lake Dam, Reservoir, Lake(11)

Waterfalls Waterfalls(43)

Hot Springs Hot Springs(1)

Caves Caves(14)

River, Canal River, Canal(3)

Bays and Beaches Bays and Beaches(29)

Islands Islands(2)

Other natural attractions Other natural attractions(3)

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Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism(3)

Outdoor and Adventure Activities Outdoor and Adventure Activities(4)

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Southern Food Menu, Southern Food Recipes Southern Food Menu, Southern Food Recipes(18)