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Loy Ruea Tradition

Loy Ruea Tradition

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Loy Ruea Tradition The Loy Ruea (Boat Floating) thai tradition of the Chao Lay is one of the oldest and most valuable cultural practices of the Chao Lay communities on Koh Lanta and nearby islands in the Andaman Sea. This tradition reflects the lifestyle, beliefs, and faith of the Chao Lay people, which have been preserved to the present day. The Loy Ruea ceremony is held twice a year during the full moon of the 6th and 11th lunar months. Chao Lay from various islands gather at Saladan Beach to perform the ritual, with the main purpose of releasing misfortune, warding off evil spirits, and bringing blessings to their lives.
The Loy Ruea tradition is rooted in the ancient beliefs of the Chao Lay, an ethnic group closely connected to the sea. The act of floating a boat symbolizes the release of misfortune and suffering, carried away by the tides. It is believed that the power of the sea will wash away the bad luck from their lives. This ceremony has long been associated with spiritual faith, showing respect to both nature and their ancestors.
Steps and Rituals Preparation for the Loy Ruea ceremony begins with the construction of small wooden boats. The Chao Lay decorate these boats with vibrant colors. On the day of the ceremony, the community gathers at Saladan Beach with their prepared boats. Together, they participate in a ritual filled with deep meaning, beginning with the lighting of incense and candles to worship deities and ancestors, while offering prayers for success and protection from harm.
Afterward, the Chao Lay float the boats out to sea, believing that this act will carry away any misfortune from their lives, leaving behind happiness and prosperity for their families.
Performances and Dances One of the highlights of the Loy Ruea ceremony is the singing and dancing, accompanied by the rhythm and melody of the "Rong Ngeng" song. Rong Ngeng is a traditional folk song that the Chao Lay use for celebrations, blending dance and music in a way that captivates participants. The ritual dance around the boat symbolizes unity in the community and a celebration of the ceremony’s success. It also serves to ward off evil through the powerful and graceful movements of the performers.
The Chao Lay hold profound spiritual beliefs about the Loy Ruea ritual. To them, the boat is a symbol of life, protected by the power of the sea. Floating the boat is seen as passing on suffering and negativity to be washed away by the waves. The close relationship between the Chao Lay and the sea is unbreakable, as they view the sea as a guardian and a source of life’s energy. Loy Ruea provides an opportunity for the Chao Lay to pass on their traditions and beliefs from generation to generation. Despite some changes in their culture and way of life, the Loy Ruea tradition continues to symbolize their identity.
The Loy Ruea tradition is not only a personal act of releasing misfortune but also a communal event that strengthens unity among the Chao Lay. Every family contributes, from boat preparation to participating in the dances. The ceremony also provides an opportunity for Chao Lay from different islands to come together, share experiences, and build relationships. As such, the Loy Ruea tradition represents both the release of suffering and a celebration of community unity. Additionally, it expresses the deep respect the Chao Lay have for nature, which they have honored for generations.
The Loy Ruea tradition of the Chao Lay on Koh Lanta is one of Thailand's valuable cultural heritages, imbued with spiritual power. Although it is an ancient Southern tradition that is now rare, it still holds great importance to the lives of the Chao Lay and their communities. Preserving and promoting this tradition is essential, allowing future generations to learn and appreciate its profound meaning and the enduring value of this unique cultural practice. 

Art, Culture and Heritage Category: Art, Culture and Heritage

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Group: Art, Craft Centres, Tradition

Last Update : 4 DayAgo


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