Main > Northeastern > Yasothon > Kham Khuan Kaeo > Phon Than > Phra That Phonthan


Phra That Phonthan

Phra That Phonthan

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Rating: 3.6/5 (5 votes)

Opening days: Daily
Opening hours: 08.00 - 17.00
Phra That Phonthan It is an ancient relic of the city of Phon Than Subdistrict for a long time. It is a place of worship for the villagers in Phon Than Subdistrict. and nearby districts The royal relics or the soil of the sanctuary to be enshrined in the chedi which is known to be a chedi built during the Phra That Phanom period It is a place of worship for the local people. 

Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship

Other religious and spiritural sites Group: Other religious and spiritural sites

Last Update : 3 YearAgo

Art, Culture and Heritage Art, Culture and Heritage

Historical Sites and Monuments Historical Sites and Monuments(6)

Landmarks and Memorials Landmarks and Memorials(1)

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Art, Craft Centres, Tradition(3)

Museums Museums(1)

Historical Houses and The Ancient City Historical Houses and The Ancient City(1)

Places of Worship Places of Worship

Temple Temple(22)

Church Church(1)

Other religious and spiritural sites Other religious and spiritural sites(9)

Research and Development Research and Development

Royal Project Royal Project(2)

Suburban Living Suburban Living

Village, Community Village, Community(3)

Local Market Local Market(1)

Nature and Wildlife Nature and Wildlife

National Parks and Marine Reserves National Parks and Marine Reserves(2)

Mountain (Doi) Mountain (Doi)(2)

Dam, Reservoir, Lake Dam, Reservoir, Lake(7)

River, Canal River, Canal(2)

Bays and Beaches Bays and Beaches(1)

Other natural attractions Other natural attractions(2)

Entertainment and Agricultural Entertainment and Agricultural

Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism(1)