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Nakhon Phanom

Phra That Renu Nakhon

Phra That Renu Nakhon

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Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 08.30 - 16.30
Phra That Renu Nakhon is located 52 kilometers south of Nakhon Phanom town on Highway No. 212. Upon reaching the kilometer 44 marker, turn right and proceed for another 7 kilometers.
The pagoda, which is 35 meters high, was built in 1918 and is a scaled down replica of Phra That Phanom. Inside the pagoda are a Buddhist scripture and a gold Buddha image.
Renu Nakhon is home to many Phu Thai ethnic minorities who retain their culture, especially their dances and the custom of the Bai-Si-Su-Kwan ceremony. This indigenous group excels weaving cotton and their products that are highly sought after by tourists.

Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship

Other religious and spiritural sites Group: Other religious and spiritural sites

Last Update : 7 YearAgo

Phra That Renu Nakhon Map



Art, Culture and Heritage Art, Culture and Heritage

Historical Sites and Monuments Historical Sites and Monuments(3)

Landmarks and Memorials Landmarks and Memorials(2)

Art, Craft Centres, Tradition Art, Craft Centres, Tradition(1)

Museums Museums(3)

Educational Places Educational Places

Library Library(1)

University University

Places of Worship Places of Worship

Temple Temple(23)

Church Church(1)

Other religious and spiritural sites Other religious and spiritural sites(11)

Suburban Living Suburban Living

Village, Community Village, Community(5)

Nature and Wildlife Nature and Wildlife

National Parks and Marine Reserves National Parks and Marine Reserves(1)

Dam, Reservoir, Lake Dam, Reservoir, Lake(5)

Waterfalls Waterfalls(2)

River, Canal River, Canal(3)

Bays and Beaches Bays and Beaches(3)

Other natural attractions Other natural attractions(2)

Entertainment and Agricultural Entertainment and Agricultural

Zoos and Aquariums Zoos and Aquariums(1)

Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism Farm, Parks, Gardens and Ecotourism(2)

Shopping Shopping

Shopping and Night Market Shopping and Night Market(1)