Khon Kaen University

Khon Kaen University

Khon Kaen University

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Khon Kaen University (KKU) was established as the major university in the Northeastern part of Thailand in 1964 and has developed itself to become one of the top universities in Thailand.  Khon Kaen University has recently become one of the nine national research universities in Thailand and an educational center in the Mekong sub-region.
The university’s major mission is to prepare future global citizens to work in a continually changing world. KKU’s strategic goal is to be recognized both internationally and regionally as a leading university in research. KKU currently has more than 40,000 students studying in 17 faculties, 1 satellite campus, 1 school, and 3 colleges and in 43 International/English programs which cover a wide variety of disciplines.   
Our campus serves as the leading educational and learning centre of the Northeastern region. It is conveniently located a few kilometers from the center of the city and is situated on a large, safe, and attractive site of green fields measuring 900 hectares.
KKU has excellent facilities and thus provides its students with an environment conducive to learning and with the proper support to achieve academic success.  Additionally, KKU takes an investment-minded approach to education by providing funds for students to pursue their goals of higher education through study and research.
Facts and Figures: - 22 Faculties and Colleges with more than 2,200 academic staff and 8,500 supporting staff - 40,000 students including 10,000 postgraduates and 500 overseas students - 340 study programs (101 Undergraduate programs, 138 in Masters Degree programs, 77 in Doctoral Degree programs and 24 Graduate Diploma programs) - 43 International programs.
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Tel Tel: 043009700
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University Category: University
Public university Group: Public university
Tag Tag: Khon Kaen University
Last Update Last Update: 11 YearAgo



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