Kad Kway Ban Tung Fah Bod

Kad Kway Ban Tung Fah Bod

Kad Kway Ban Tung Fah Bod

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Chiang Mai attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Opening Day: Saturday
Hours: 07:00 to 19:00

Cow and Buffalo Market At Ban Tung Fah Bodon 17 acres of land in San Pa Tong district. It's the largest of the North in the current building.Mr.Insorn  Lomsri's owner create it as taking my first crush in 2502.
Before that. Cattle are traded by a small space under a house in the village. Is not well. The current market each Saturday with Cow and buffalo selling to this market and to sell more than 700 in half. In the fall of 6000 to 10,000 in the Saturday, so the money flows. In this market. Tens of millions of baht
Point of interesting.
The purpose of buying cattle. Is changed. He said that in building. The first people came to buy cattle, cattle cabbage. The farm is mainly active in the busiest time. It is the season to do it. But on this day. Most of the cattle. Will be sent to the slaughterhouse.
The purchase of a car is the car liveliness of Gad, and does not depend on the season, cattle farming, but it depends on the price of meat in the market.
Even in today's cattle. Farms in the country is less Gad, but cattle are still active in the original vendors to import cattle from Laos. 20 years, not only cattle, but only if there is a wide range of products including bicycle, motorcycle, household appliances, clothes and food and farm residents said. Kat is like having a cow. Mall of the country itself.
The road to Chiang Mai - Chom Thong.
Travel by car
from Highway 108 toward San Pa Tong, Chom Thong Tue approximately 3.5 km mustard on your right.
Kad Kway Ban Tung Fah Bod Map Kad Kway Ban Tung Fah Bod Map
Suburban Living Category: Suburban Living
Local Market Group: Local Market
Tag Tag: Kad Kway Ban Tung Fah Bod
Last Update Last Update: 3 WeekAgo



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