Kad Soom Meud

Kad Soom Meud

Kad Soom Meud

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Chiang Mai attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Opening Hours: Thursday - Saturday
Hours: 16:00 to 22:00
Kad Soom Meud Available in a variety of consumer goods, clothing and jewelry. Colonel Mustard is now the pictures. Is not used. Vendors need to light a candle.
The lamp is sold. The hazy atmosphere of the name. Some vendors put the city to help build a vibrant city with a turnip. Set at Central Kad Suan Kaew Huay Kaew in Chiang Mai. Car of CMU. The Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai to go through the canal about 800 meters away, Central Kad Suan Kaew on the right.
Points of Interest.Candles was turnip. Kat has no light. The socket is a need to provide lighting. And to the atmosphere. It is recommended to remove the paraffin. The kerosene lamp was. To purchase this product in the dim light.
Should be considered very carefully in a little bit. Product design, clothing, jewelry, bags, shoes, sold most of the game to design students with their own brand. I like the idea of ​​a pleasant and unique. There is also a product for a reasonable price to tie up with many shops.
Kad Soom Meud Map Kad Soom Meud Map
Suburban Living Category: Suburban Living
Local Market Group: Local Market
Tag Tag: Kad Soom Meud
Last Update Last Update: 2 WeekAgo



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