Pra That Chedi Si Pho Thong

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Ang Thong attractions

Attractions in Thailand

Operating day: Daily
Operating time: 08.00 - 17.00
Pra That Chedi Si Pho Thong building since 2535 Horm provost order to build a pagoda is 58 meters high and 40 meters wide for  relicso  of Buddha And  Buddha model in the pagoda.
Later, around 2538 B.E. Horm Provost got the news of the King's illness. And began construction of a pagoda With a concern for him. He Create intend to offer for the King.
 Pra That Chedi Si Pho Thong Map
Places of Worship Category: Places of Worship
Last Update Last Update: 5 MonthAgo



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